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SIBOR Rates Singapore

Posted by admin | 6:26 PM |
Jan 3, 2010

SIBOR Rates Singapore

What is the latest Singapore bank SIBOR rates at the end of last year, just before 2010?

Sg-Loan-Rates presents the current Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR rates).

For newcomers to this SIBOR term, SIBOR stands for the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate. SIBOR is the rate that banks in Singapore lend money to one another. It is commonly used by banks in calculating mortgage loans.

End of Period | Interbank 1-Month SIBOR
2009 December 31

Overnight rate = 0.50
1-week rate = 0.38
1-month rate = 0.44
2-month rate = 0.56
3-month rate = 0.69

SIBOR data reflect closing offer rates.

SIBOR Rate is quoted as % p.a.

Source: Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)

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